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Price: include’s, tax, transportation and installation, Excluding: all kinds of Plumbing, electrical or masonary works. Charges extra: on Electric coil & on Credit Card Payments.


Solarizer Value 200 LPD

Original price was: ₹56,480.00.Current price is: ₹50,624.00.

Shipping to Bangalore & Mysore Only

Solarizer Value 200 LPD,
Quality tank & collector,
PUF insulation,
Superior durability,
Convenient installation,
Highly selective absorption sheet (German Technology),
Laser welding technology transfers heat quicker,

INCLUDING: Tax, Transportation & Installation.
EXCLUDING: Plumbing, Electrical, grouting, masonry works. 
Lifting charges: 500 LPD and above or for All models above 3 floors.
Credit Card Payment: Convenience Charges Extra,
No Guarantee: for Glass tubes, Glass panels, pressure relief valve, air relief vales

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EMMVEE Solarizer value 200 LPD Solar Water Heater

The Inner tank of emmvee Solarizer Value 200 LPD has glass lined coating, hence Solarizer 200 trs life of the solar water is much higher than other
Glass line solar water heaters are much reliable in harsh hard water areas. Glass line is a special coating which prevents rusting of tanks due to harsh hard water conditions.
Product available in 100 and 300 litres capacity in FPC type systems

Solarizer models from EMMVEE SOLAR manufactured with high standard machinery and precision technology.

Emmvee Solarizer value 200 LPD Solar Heater

Solarizer value 200 LPD solar water heater combines quality and affordability to give you an economical and long-lasting alternative for your hot water needs.

EMMVEE SOLAR is an established in-house production facility which manufactures tray collectors that meet the international standards. The flat plate collector is made with a single body structure having glass locking mechanism. One such efficient Solarizer Value 200 Litre Solar Heater from Emmvee is a perfect combination of performance and affordability. With on-site assessment, installation, warranty and after-sales service, you can rest assured that the Solarizer Value Solar Heater is a dependable choice.

FPC type systems from EMMVEE SOLAR:

Additional Features:

EMMVEE SOLAR Solarizer Value 200 Litre Solar Heater comes with 5 years performance warranty that gives you the reassurance of long term reliability.

Emmvee Solarizer Value 200 Litre Solar Heater Specs and price, solarizer solar water heater 200 ltr price



Solarizer water heater is the only with glass enamel coated tanks of sizes ranging from 100 up to 3000 litres in India. Over 5,50,000 solarizer products are supplied in domestic and industrial systems were sold to satisfied customers under the brand name Solarizer in India and Europe amounting to 6,90,000 m² installation area. Solarizer has now introduced new product ranges for different user applications under Solarizer Spring, Solarizer Ultra, Solarizer Value, Solarizer Anywhere, Solarizer Elite and Solarizer Elite Hybrid models. Call Us Or Send Enquiry